Product Talk

How to Find Out Which Breaker the Outlet is On 101.

Unless all the breakers are marked correctly, it can be a real pain to find out what breaker is connected to an outlet. If you own an expensive circuit tracer, then the job is easy. But if you don’t, there are only a few options.

First, you can plug a light fixture in, run to the panel, shut off the breaker and run back to see if the light is off.  This will give you a great workout, but isn’t exactly efficient. Or, you can plug in a radio, tune it to your favorite station and turn off breakers until the music stops. The problem is, if the outlet is too far away from the panel then you will have to crank up the volume and if it’s a good song, who wants to shut it off?

Well I found this cool device from Reliance that can take care of this problem!

The THP109 Circuit Scout – Circuit Analyzer and Breaker Locator.

Simply plug in the device, move switch to ON and device will sound (adjustable) siren up to 105 dB until circuit breaker is turned off and outlet is no longer live, identifying the outlet that is fed by a specific breaker. Analyzer: color-Coded LED’s identify specific problems with outlet wiring and it has a GFCI test button.
