Product Talk

Timing is everything

It’s that fun time of year when we get to play Clark Griswold and decorate our houses for the holidays!!

What a great time, freezing, running extension cord connected to extension cord all over the yard and roof!!

If you’re like me, you have a vast collection of blow molds, lights and even a moving Santa. (I always have to nail his feet to the roof so he won’t fall off.)

The biggest pain is always trying to remember to run outside and turn them off.

Thanks to Intermatic, this is now easy!!

The TN311 Heavy Duty indoor timer will do the trick. You set it and forget it!!


  • 3 ON/3 OFF settings per day with removable trippers, more ON/OFF events with addition of extra trippers
  • Minimum 30-min ON/OFF time
  • Grounded receptacle and 3-prong plug
  • Plugs directly into wall outlet
