Product Talk

Is the TV room getting crowded?

These are definitely some freaky times!!! The best way to stay safe and protect others is to stay inside. If you have a large family, the TV is always in use, but not everyone wants to watch the same program. Not to mention, sometimes we need to separate or the TV room could turn into a wrestling ring!!

What to do, what to do!!

You need another TV, but it’s not that simple anymore.

When I was a kid, it was easy. All you needed to do was plug in the TV, adjust the antenna, and you had 3 channels. (If the screen was full of static, just add some tin foil to the antenna).

Now you must run a cable to the cable box but putting on the connectors can be a challenge.

Ideal Industries has just to kit to do the job!

The 33-620 Economy Coax Compression Kit includes the basic tools and connectors to cut, strip and terminate coax cables.

Applications: RG59 and RG6/6 Quad cable preparation and compression termination for F connectors.

Kit Includes:

  • 33-632 LinearX®3 Compression Tool
  • 45-605 PrepPRO® Coax (59/6/6Q/Plenum)/UTP Cable Stripper
  • 45-075 Data T®-Cutter
  • 10 RG-59 RTQ F Compression Connectors
  • 30 RG-6 RTQ F Compression Connectors

This kit has everything you need to correctly install connectors to your cable!!

So run the wire, hook up the box, and enjoy your favorite programs in peace.

And remember, this virus is no joke. Keep yourself and you love ones safe!! We will get through this!
