Product Talk

Not Another Top 10 List…The Best of 2019

Top 10 lists or countdown lists from 2019 are everywhere as 2020 comes around the corner. You might be sick of all of the countdown lists, so we thought we would, of course, add one more to your reading list! Luckily this is only a Top 4 list.

Over the years, Woody has shared some fun memories, thoughts, and information about the electrical industry. To celebrate another year of electrical humor and new products, we are taking a look at some of the best 2019 blog posts.

And without further ado:

  1. Gone FIshin’: Woody had a fun time with this fish tape solution from Milwaukee. We think he hid the fish tape tool and only shared the video with us!
  2. Is It Ever Gonna Warm Up?: A question that has been on my mind recently, but that is a Midwest winter for you. Woody sums up our need to stay warm with a Marley space heater and shares his new favorite television show in the process.
  3. Think Pink with 3M: Woody gets serious to explain the importance of our partnership with 3M for National Breast Cancer Awareness Month. We ended up donating proceeds from these sales to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, a great organization for information and support.
  4. Sliding through the raceway made easy!: The sad news is that this post is not about a water slide. The good news is that Polywater Lubricant J is an effective solution for pulling wire through conduit.

There you have it: the top 4 posts from 2019. You can read the full article by clicking on the link in each title. Thank you for enjoying and have a happy New Year!
